Wednesday, January 28, 2009


I am an unabashed fan of what I will call the "spirit huddle." You know the drill: circle up, everyone puts a hand in the middle, pulsing the hands down while chanting "One...two...three...break!" On the "Break!", hands go up and out of the circle, and everyone is on their way.

Bracelet power.

Last night, Smileycue and I were on the couch but needed to go to bed. I convened a spirit huddle on her belly so BabyCue could participate, too. With hands on the belly, we chanted "One...two...three...break!" A moment later, BabyCue gave a wiggle where are hands had been. Coincidence?

We spirit huddled again. "One...two..three...break!" Again, a moment later, another wiggle by Babycue. I tempted fate by trying a third time. BabyCue delivered.

Yes, BabyCue is my child. My nerdy, spirit huddle-participating child. Woot woot! Go team. One...two...three...break!

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