Wednesday, September 23, 2009

6 month wellness check

We miss Dr. B. Yesterday was Slane's 6 month wellness check. Q and I always make bets on weight and length, so I was so busy determining if I won or lost that I didn't pay close attention to the exact weight and height. Dr. B's nurse always wrote it down for me, but Dr. W's nurse did not. We go back on Friday for flu shots, so I will ask if someone can write it for me then.

Slane weighs somewhere around 19 pounds, and is 27 1/4 inches long/tall. Everything looks good. She did not like having her ears checked, and wasn't really in love with the tongue depresser either. She did love the paper on the scale. First she kicked at it, then began ripping shreds of paper (and loving it, laughing and smiling the whole time). Then she started to eat the paper, and that is when I removed all of the paper from the table. When the nurse walked in she put it back, and I chuckled at that. Why bother? I ask.

Dr. W seemed rushed. He didn't spend a lot of time answering my questions and didn't give me a lot of time to answer his questions. He didn't even show me the percentile chart. He wasn't as personable as Dr. B is, and I hope it was just that he was having a rough day or was trying to catch up or something.

Slane also got her 4 month shots yesterday. I had to close my eyes. Why can I handle getting my own shots, but I can't handle watching Slane get hers? It was a rough day at the public health clinic for us, because Slane also fell off of my lap just before we went in for the shots. She stabbed me in the eye, and I was cleaning my lense and she shifted her balance and landed on the floor with the diaper bag on top of her. I felt so bad, and embarrassed. She was fine, and she got over the shots quickly also.

Slane also got a treat for her 6 month birthday. Sunday we went to Des Moines and picked out a new jogging stroller. She has been trying to sit up and see more from her old stroller, so we decided it was time to upgrade to something more for "big" girls. Q tried it out last night on the disc golf course, and loved it. We got one with extra big wheels that detach so it fits in the trunk. Actually, that is why we chose that one. At first, I suggested a bigger car, but Q sent me out to the car with each stroller we were looking at so that I could try to get it in and out of the trunk by myself (make sense, if I can't do it, what is the point of getting it?). We love the extra features, like an MP3 player hookup, and lots of reflectors, and zipper pockets, and even a pedometer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very thoughtfull post on wellness. It should be very much helpfull

Karim - Creating Power