We have many excuses, of course. Part of the time that would have gone to diaper cleaning went instead to formula and bottle feeding. Our "dry" runs became sloppy messes: The diaper was too big for Slane's tiny bottom and we didn't master the finer points of fasteners and gussets. The hospital used disposable diapers. The devil, Rumpelstiltskin, and shady mortgage lenders may have also made me choose to use disposables instead of sticking with cloth. We are using the cloth diapers anyway as burp cloths, impromptu bibs and rags, and a mat on the changing pad.
In an article about eco-friendly disposable diapers, Laura Doser noted that over two percent of our landfills are disposable diapers. Slane and her diaper-clad peers generate 3.6 million tons of dirty diapers. Does this mean babies are bad for the environment? Sara and I do more laundry. We have more dishes. We take out more trash. Our power and water bills are higher now than they were a year ago. To save the planet, do we need to practice abstinence? Is safe sex is good for us but better for mother nature?
It is shortsighted to think of our increased consumption of material goods as a zero-sum equation. As Slane grows up, she will stop wearing diapers. (We hope.) She and others in her generation will create energy- and resource-saving innovations for our world. This make every diaper, every load of laundry, every can of formula an investment in the future. Besides, the girl is cute. And a riot. She's more entertaining than anything you can see on cable TV, and sure to put a smile on your face.
To show solidarity with those of you who steadfastly support cloth diapers, Slane went without her disposable diaper one day last month:
(Really, Sara was home with her one Saturday when Slane had a bad case of diaper rash caused when I fed Slane applesauce one too many meals in a row. Still, the girl is a riot.)
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