Friday, February 27, 2009

Sneak Preview

The emergency ultrasound did have a silver lining. We got to see BabyCue again:

For those of you keeping score at home, I am convinced he looks like my brother. There may be a reason for this: SmileyCue had wanted BabyCue to get UncleCue's curly locks and piercing blue eyes. Apparently, the hair and eyes were part of a package deal: we got the cheeks, nose, and lips, too. As Sesame Street's Ernie and Elmo would say, they're all part of one fine face. A face we'll see face to face in a few weeks.

Some readers and friends have asked if we have a name. We have a few names in mind. We had thought about Rickrolling you, an internet prank. We would have posted a teaser, "BabyCue's Name Revealed!" and then a link -- except the link would not have gone to BabyCue's name, but a YouTube video of Rick Astley's "Never Gonna Give You up." SmileyCue wisely talked me out of it. We figured a third of you would have had a good laugh about it, another third thought we were going with the name "Rick Astley McCue," and the other third would have emailed us, politely letting us know that the link to BabyCue's name did not go to the intended site but to a music video.

We promise that when BabyCue arrives, you'll hear it here. No RickRolling. But if you want a hint...

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